We emphasize using Almanac by the students due to its benefits
- Almanac is an effective tool of communication between parents and teachers. Moreover it is a bridge connecting the parents and the teachers or parents and the school.
- Almanac possess the interesting and important facts i.e about school and its policies.
- It contains the rules and regulations to be followed by the students.
- The student has to fill in the personal details in it which is referred when required, by the school authority.
- The photograph of student & parents must be affixed & specimen signature of parents & guardian is taken.
- All the details of the student must be correct.
- The Almanac needs to be checked by the parents daily so as to assess the homework and remarks if given.
- Proper use of Almanac can bring overall massive change in student’s learning outcome.
- Almanac is basically a reminder tool. It is generally observed that active learner uses Almanac properly which reflects in his overall personality.
- Students note down each and every activity on daily basis in his Almanac which can be seen by teacher, class teacher, principal and parent at any time.
- Parent can help his ward for mentioned activities in Almanac according to learners’ age and class. Parent can see the current status of syllabus also.
- Few students do not share school activities report with parents. Parent feels helpless due to non cooperation of students. This helplessness can be overcome with the help of Almanac.