Tripada English School has been Accredited to C.B.S.E. Board. Affiliation No. 430464. Tripada English school is Affiliated for Secondary School Examination Class 1 to 10 from April 2020.CBSE is one of the most preferred boards in the country and the reasons are many. CBSE is behind maintaining uniformity among all the students across India. It's effectiveness is reflected on the number of schools affiliating with it each year. It covers basic and general knowledge required for a child to move forward in terms of education. Not only have they introduced All India Board exams for Std 10th and 12th but The main objectives of the CBSE were those of: serving the educational institutions more effectively and to be responsive to the educational needs of those students whose parents were employed in the Central Government services and had frequently transferable jobs across the country.
Tripada Englsh School is rated as one of the school that is incubator for learners future. Based on five key tenets of WEF, Tripada English School has received the 5 gold star quality rating of the education delivery.
Society should have a moral and constitutional responsibility to ensure education is available to all its citizens. A child’s financial, physical or intellectual situation should not prevent his/her access to the right education.
Teachers who CARE will be worth more than teachers who qualify.
Governments and society should use education to uplift financial, religious or ethnic minorities.
Education boards and institutions must be measured on their impact on society.
To enable mass trust-based-acceptance, such measurements should be comprehensive, easy to understand, robust and objective.