Dr. Pratiksha Parikh
M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. CIDTT, DCA, Montessori,
The True purpose of Education is to make Minds not career. -- William Dreslewicz
We believe in empowering our children in such a manner that they act as representatives of a meaningful and value-based society. Our pedagogy which is holistic and comprehensive complements this. We have a team of fabulous faculty members who display boundless energy and intense commitment which keeps the ethos of our school shining brightly.
We believe in a joyful experiential learning system wherein, each child is encouraged to participate whole heartedly at Tripada. Children should be motivated to grab every opportunity that comes their way which would not only help in their holistic growth but also strengthen their belief in teamwork, which is important in this fast-paced world. They need to understand the importance of emotional balance, critical thinking, and most importantly accepting failure graciously! It is our strife to endow hem with all these qualities and more.
To develop a child in our culture with his or her own values and beliefs and open mindness, it is a big task for any academic institution. As I always believe that children are the foundation pillars of a well built nation, it is necessary to enhance the existing inherent capability of the children. With the combination of conservative teaching methodology and experiential learning, we lay the path for the child to experience the walk independently and convert their experiences into knowledge. The learning received here under the vision of creating a ‘Better Citizen for better tomorrow, has given our educators to be responsible facilitators for their learners. ‘Tripada’ which means the three ‘pods’ or pillars represent an education which is enriched through the interwoven strings of the parent, the student and the school, weaving continuous for the learners’ positive overall development.